Neoprene Short


Neoprene Short Availability
Neoprene short gloves provide excellent protection from petroleum, oils and lubricants (POLs), including fueling operations. Neoprene also is heat resistant, important for jet fueling on Navy carrier or unloading a tanker car of crude. Neoprene is also better against cleaning products and solvents. SeeButyl or Neoprene” under Resources for full range of holdouts. While only one thickness is regularly produced, Guardian® is capable of special order producing neoprene glove thicknesses to accommodate a range of exposures, from occasional vapor to sustained liquid emersion. Guardian’s Neoprene gloves are also regularly used in low level nuclear facilities.

Length: 11 inch, 14 inch
Thickness: 35mil; thinner special
Hand Style: Curved R/L
Finish: Smooth
Size: 9, 10, 11, 12, xl
Guardian Style #: IN-35, INA-35
Packaging: 1 poly bag/pair
Shipping: 1-2, 12 or 60 pair boxes
